

標題 建立日期
The Hong Kong Jockey Club Chairman's Scholarship       -->附件 2025-02-10
Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (2025/26) 2025-02-07
Scholarship for undergraduate studies (excluding Medicine) at University College London (UCL) 2024-01-22
香港佛教聯合會永義獎學金計劃 (2023-24 學年)     -->附件 2023-12-15
「東華三院153 周年獎學金」     -->附件 2023-10-18
University of Toronto Hong Kong Scholarships     -->附件 2023-10-18
「原來我得㗎」第十三屆獎學金     -->附件 2023-09-12
Agricultural Products/Marine Fish Scholarships Now Open for Application     -->附件 2023-07-03
Scholarship for Family Members of Registered Construction Workers by the Construction Industry Council;     -->附件 2023-05-29
Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme     -->附件     -->附件 2022-11-16
民政及青年事務局多元卓越獎學金 2023     -->附件申請須知     -->附件申請書 2022-11-08
University of Toronto (Hong Kong) Foundation Scholarship      -->附件 2022-10-21
Hong Kong Schools Alumni Federation Scholarship Foundation      -->附件 2022-10-05
AFS交流計劃 - 獎學金全額資助      -->附件 2022-09-27
「原來我得㗎」第十二屆獎學金      -->附件 2022-09-20
共創明『Teen』計劃 2022-09-09
循道教會助學基金2022      -->附件 2022-09-05
循道教會助學基金2021      -->附件 2021-09-06
香港社會服務聯會黃廷方獎學金2021 2021-09-06
Sir Edward Youde Memorial (SEYM) Scholarships for Overseas Studies 2022/23 & Overseas Scholarship for Disabled Students 2022/23 (for current Form 5 students)      -->附件 2021-07-22
Chung Chi College Admission Scholarship 2021-2022 2021-07-22
二零二一至二零二二年度葛量洪獎學金生活津貼 2021-07-22
Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (2021/22) 2021-01-05
Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (2020/21) 2019-12-11
『循道教會助學基金_通告』     -->詳情 2018-10-10
『低收入在職家庭津貼計劃』申請 2018-04-24
兩年制英國Taunton School Sixth Form A-Level 或 International Baccalaureate 獎學金 2018-01-18
Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (2018/19) 2018-01-02
港大保良何鴻燊社區書院入學獎勵金 2018-01-02
Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence Scheme (HKSES) 2017-2018 2016-11-07
循道教會助學基金 2016-09-21




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